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This race is from the Warcraft franchise.

A succubus (plur. succubi) is a stunningly beautiful woman. Her voluptuous form is squeezed into a tight leather-bodice. Large bat wings unfurl from her back, and she lets out a short gasp as she cracks a small whip against her milky thigh. A succubus is pleasure and pain rolled into one deadly package. Like all demons, she enjoys bringing death and misery to the mortal races — but that doesn’t mean she cannot have fun with them first.

Many warlocks choose a succubus as a fellow companion for their ability to manipulate those weak of will. It is not uncommon for a succubus in a mortal’s servitude to fall uncontrollably in love with him or her; this occurrence is not always to the master’s advantage, though, for a devoted succubus can be prone to fits of extreme jealousy, especially when her master deals with those of the opposite sex.[1]


World of Warcraft cosplay
AlexstraszaAlgalon the ObserverAlleria WindrunnerAnduin LotharAntonidasAnveena TeagueArrakoaArthas MenethilBlood elfBroll BearmantleCenariusCho'gallChromieDarkfallenDeath KnightDeathwingDemon HunterDraeneiDruidDryadDwarfEluneEtherealForest nymphForsakenFreyaFrost nymphGarona HalforcenGenn GreymaneGnomeGoblinGrand Apothecary PutressGul'danHarpyHunterIllidan StormrageIridiJaina ProudmooreJoleeraKael'thas SunstriderLich KingLor'themar TheronLorna CrowleyMageMaiev ShadowsongMalfurion StormrageMedivhMonkMurkyNight elfNer'zhulNozdormuOrcPaladinPandarenPriestOnyxiaQueen AzsharaRagnarosRogueSally WhitemaneShamanShivarraSindragosaSoridormiSpirit HealerStitchesSuccubusSylvanas WindrunnerTaurenThrallTrollTyrande WhisperwindTyrygosaUtherVal'kyrValeera SanguinarVanessa VanCleefVarian WrynnVelenVereesa WindrunnerWarlockWarriorWorgenWrathionYrelYsera